Honorary Degree Nomination

The honorary doctorate degree is the highest form of recognition offered by the University of Missouri to persons of exceptional distinction.

A committee appointed by the Faculty Senate meets each fall to consider individuals who have been nominated to receive an honorary doctorate degree at Missouri S&T.  Usually, persons selected to receive an honorary degree are also invited to be commencement speakers, but this is not a limiting factor.  CRR 220.030 provides more information.

Please work with your department development officer to develop a list of appropriate candidates to be considered for this honor.

To submit a nomination for an honorary degree, please fill out the nomination form and provide the supporting materials as instructed. When the packet is complete*,  return it in one PDF to Misty House in the Provost Office (facultyaffairs@mst.edu) by September 17, 2025 for full consideration for a commencement ceremony next year or beyond.

*The Provost Office will get the signature from the Chancellor.

Please read about the process and fill out the nomination form. This is a quick glance at the information you will need.

1. Nomination Form (downloadable)

2. Justification (maximum of 10 additional pages, minus curriculum vitae)
      1. Summary about the nominee’s most important achievements/relevance to the nominating campus
      2. Why the particular type of degree is being recommended
      3. Confidential statement of support from a faculty member in the relevant discipline when the nominee is an academic
      4. Additional supporting documentation (curriculum vitae, reviews or articles of nominee’s work, etc).