Promotion and Tenure

Academic appointments at the Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri
S&T) are divided into two main categories: regular and non-regular. Under this policy,
regular faculty will be referred to as “tenured and tenure track” faculty, and this group will
continue to include the traditional faculty of the institution.

Non-regular faculty will be divided into three groups (1) full-time, ranked, non-regular
faculty (non-tenure track (NTT) faculty); (2) full-time, unranked, non-regular faculty; and (3)
part-time, non-regular faculty (adjunct faculty).

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In This Section

Non-Tenure Track (NTT) Faculty Name Submission

Faculty and Chairs, submit names of NTT faculty that want to participate in the 2025-2026 promotion cycle by filling out the form below. Submit faculty name